Im letzten Post, einem long read (es sind halt seltsame Zeiten), gab's das bekannte Wahl-O-Mat Netz zur Wahl am Sonntag. Hier werfen wir einen kurzen Blick in die Realität der letzten Legislaturperiode mittels dem neuen Angebot: Real-O-Mat.
Res.I.P. – an unprofessional science (and other things) blog
May the bridges I burned today light the way to those I'll burn tomorrow – A blog for lost scientists and curious non-scientists.
Die Qual der keinen Wahl — Wahl-O-Mat-Netz zur BTW2025
Etwas früher als geplant, Lindner sei Dank, wählen die Deutschen mal wieder ihren Bundestag, damit ein ehemaliger Blackrockmanager, mehrfach gescheiterter Spitzenpolitiker und geistiges Kind der 80iger des letzten Jahrtausends sich als neuer Kanzler legitimieren lassen kann. Business as usual, wie man schön sieht an den Wahlhilfen. Der übliche Blick auf den Wahl-O-Mat und, anschließend weil neu dabei, den Realomat.
What Europe's electorate wants: full speed towards the abyss
The people of the European Union, representing the last standing big chunk of democracy that fully deserves the name (demos = common people, kratos = power/strength), have once more cast their vote. And sent a brown wave across the continent into their common parliament. Are we tired of common wealth and freedom? Some more than others. A quick overview.
Previously published facts a.k.a. branching artefacts
Via a ResearchGate citation alert, I got pointed to a paper by Klak et al. (2020) in PhytoTaxa erecting a new monotypic genus within the Drosanthemeae. I have literally no idea about these plants, but I (obviously in contrast to Klak et al.) now their genetics. A tale of persistent ignorance among renown plant systematicists.
Big Data = No Brain? Pt. 2: Digging deeper
Big Data = No Brain? Pt. 1: Complete plastomes vs 500+ nuclear genes
How predatory is MDPI? Or: The 50 shades of scientific grey
There's an ever-growing grey zone between clearly predatory and legit publishers/ journals. The still exploding number of MDPI journals belong to the shady bunch. Why else would they ask a science drop-out to join the editorial board of Life – the life science journal?